Lisa Riedl
living successfully, energetically and free
My mission is to make you aware and encourage you to live mental and physical freedom
... so that you can energetically, awake and full of strength, fully utilize your talents and resources, and have access to your very own meaning of life.
You can achieve this by exceeding your limits, expanding your options and choices and recognising and using potential.
Therein, I support you in a trustful, open approach, so that you become aware of your goals and will achieve them with enthusiasm.
With mindfulness, professional competence, reflected life-experience and in a playful-lighthearted, compassionate way, I am and will be accompanying you in your professional- and personal development-processes.
Business-, life- & team-coach, Shiatsu therapist
In my professional development, the human element of people, has always been the focal point of my work.
Right from the start, I felt the desire and aspired to support people in all kind of situations.
This prompted me to complete my training, to be able to offer valuable and professional tools, for the most helpful support in various life situations.
My own basic attitude corresponds best with the solution-focused approach, and the connection with the body.
My focus
Systemic coaching and advice
solution-focused interviewing and dialogue
hypnosystemic communication
Solution experience - systemic structure-constellation
Shiatsu - bodywork
My education
SySt Institute in Munich
Insa Sparrer after Steve DeShazer
Matthias Varga von Kibed and Insa Sparrer
ISSÖ (according to the criteria of the Austrian umbrella-association for Shiatsu)
Wellness trainer at the Lower Austrian State-Academy
Additional qualifications
Solution-focused crisis intervention
Basics of psychotraumatology
Organisational structure-constellation
Values in structure-constellation
Conflict and transformation
Shinso Shiatsu

LeadingX - XLabor
Lisa Riedl
Marktstrasse 29
A-6230 Brixlegg
Mobile: +43 664 511 34 60