Should you have any questions

...would like to find out more about LeadingX?

Simply, please fill out our contact form, we will send you further information and will also be happy to call you. It goes without saying, all data is and will be treated confidentially…. or arrange your personal consultation appointment. We’re looking forward to be hearing from you.

Get in contact with us:

    Contact LeadingX

    LeadingX - Markus Gruber
    Institut for Attitude and Conscious Leadership
    Fichtenweg 4
    A 6274 Aschau im Zillertal

    Fon +43 (0) 664 1 888 444
    Email info(at)

    LeadingX - XLabor
    Marktstraße 29
    A 6230 Brixlegg

    Opening hours: 0.00 - 24.00, 7 days a week!
    We take our time when you have time.
    Arrange your appointment now!

    Lisa Riedl +43 664 511 34 60
    Email lisa.riedl(at)

    XLab in Brixlegg and XForum in Aschau

    In addition to the right attitude, the right environment is the decisive factor for problem solving, performance and innovation. The environment acts as a catalyst and has a significant influence on the creative process. Solving a problem means getting away from the problem!

    With the XLabor and the XForum, we offer you a unique environment for individuals and teams to improve what already exists and create something new. 6 different rooms and additional outdoor alternatives are available.

    Workshop, Beratung, Moderation, LeadingX, Management, Führen, Führung, Einstellung, Mindset
    Workshop, Beratung, Coaching, Team,LeadingX, Management, Führen, Führung, Einstellung, Mindset
    Bewusstsein, Kommuikation Team, LeadingX, Management, Führen, Führung, Einstellung, Mindset
    Team, Entwicklung, Motivation, Teamklima, Konflikt, Kooperation, Meeting, Besprechung, Spirit,

    XLab and XForum

    from the necessary distance to everyday (office)life, you experience how….:

    • other thought patterns arise in a different atmosphere
    • blockages dissolve
    • you become more flexible and agile
    • your mind de-clutters and opens up, to generate new ideas
    • you playfully create something new
    • synergy gets created through open communication
    • you  relax, feel good and recharge your batteries
    • you allow potentials to unfold


    The X-laboratory is the ideal environment for

    • Individual and team coaching, training, seminars, workshops, structural constellations, learning circles
    • conferences, meetings of all kind, discussions
    • ideas-development, innovation circles, creative meetings
    • presentations, inspiring movies with wow-effect, interactive keynote speeches
    • A special meeting with your employees or customers  etc.


    We’re located 1 minute away from the motor-way exit, Brixlegg-Kramsach, or 3minutes walking distance from Brixlegg trainstation – approximately halfway between Innsbruck and Kufstein
    …or equally halfway between, Munich-Bozen, Linz-Zurich, Stuttgart-Graz, Milano-Prague, Nuremberg-Venice, Hamburg-Rome ?

    LeadingXLabor, A 6230 Brixlegg in Tirol, Marktstraße 29, Austria
    (building of Sparkasse, rear entrance, 2nd floor)
    please contact: Lisa Riedl, +43 664 511 34 60,

    Free short-term parking zone directly in front of the XLabor, for one hour or indefinitely and free of charge: Römerstraße 6, after the shop “Mode Conny”
    See you at the X-Laboratory …

    Benefit now ...

    Xperience creates Xcellence - LeadingX

    Any questions?

    ... we are always happy to help