Trainer-Coach Xacademy
Training- and entrepreneurial-program for trainers, coaches and speakers
Unique and pioneering training- and entrepreneurial program for trainers, coaches and speakers, in 10 modules.
- Are you thinking of a professional alternative?
- Do you want to do something meaningful?
- Do you have talent for, and feel the vocation to accompany, train and coach people?
- Do you enjoy letting people, teams and organisations experience, how one can achieve the essentials of leadership, cooperation and innovation, with the right attitude?
- Do you want to develop yourself further as a trainer, coach, moderator or speaker and win more customers, through a professional appearance, protected brands and successful concepts?
- Are you tired of wandering about as a one (woman) man act, developing products alone in a quiet, small chamber, attempting to survive against regional and global organisations?
- Do you work “by yourself and constantly” and, in addition to product-development, marketing, advertising, PR, acquisition, website, social media etc. etc. etc, you have too little time for the most important thing - your customers?
- Would you like to earn well as a trainer, coach, speaker, be self-employed, independent and free?
„.Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.“ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
... become more and more demanding and numerous: practical experience, strategic thinking and acting, didactics, methodology, charisma, communication- and presentation skills, conflict-management, group dynamics, consulting-, process-, moderation- and coaching competence, seminar- and workshop-design and much more. As an entrepreneur, he/she also needs consistent self-management, entrepreneurial thinking and acting, resilience, clear meaning-mission-vision orientation, brand -management and marketing, sales- and negotiation-strength, development of highly professional products, services, systems and their ongoing optimization, handling with digital tools and media, etc. ... For individual trainers or coaches, this range of services, is hardly professionally- and seriously manageable.
That is why professional trainer/ coach co-operations with continuous further education, joint product-development, teamwork and synergies, are the prerequisite for bringing lasting customer-benefit.
That's why the trainer-coach Xacademy is unique and groundbreaking
- Attitude and awareness, didactics and methods for entrepreneurial personalities, are made tangible and are anchored, in a comprehensive and wholesome, intensive program in 10 modules, of 3 days each.
- The latest research results, approaches, methods and technologies are conveyed in connection with timeless knowledge.
- Xperience creates Xcellence(experience creates excellence: through practical application, experimenting and practicing in a suitable environment, and through feedback from experts, the knowledge is integrated in a sustainable manner.
- An experienced team of trainers, coaches and experts will accompany you with well-founded impulses, on your individual path, to becoming a trainer-coach-speaker-entrepreneur-personality.

Your benefit from the Trainer - Coach Xacademy
1. Knowing your role-clarity, requirement-profile and core-competencies, defining your own position, strengths and learning fields, using learning psychology and competence generator in a goal-oriented way, acting convincingly, presenting enthusiastically and acting confidently, mastering (neuro) didactics, methods, media use and tools.
2. Self-management, creations and innovations. Plan, organize and implement goal-oriented and improve continuously. Mastering change as well as resistance to change in yourself and others. Being ready for project management, creativity techniques and current problem-solving methods.
3. Know and use personality-analysis, strengths, talents and typologies. Discover your own vision, mission and vocation. From inspiration to innovation. Develop and design goals, positioning and brand.
4. Design all areas of life in balance. Navigate confidently and safely towards your goals and gain more time for the essentials. Become aware of resistance and patterns, and develop and integrate clear solution-strategies. Design and successfully implement personal creations and innovations. Lead and manage with agility.
5. Sharpen and manage the brand. Design marketing and experience a moving-people-model. New-customer acquisition and confidently selling with pleasure. Establishing networks, relationships and CRM (customer relationship management) agreeing on order-clarification and strategic, goal-oriented customer-solutions, marketing of suitable services and systems, being confident in negotiations and in price-negotiations, utilising team-sales and producing active complete-references. Overview and possibilities of digital marketing, such as video, web, social media ...
6. Be an entrepreneur. Legal, tax and IT-fit, create sales- and profit-planning and plan implementation. EKS, role and target group clarity. LeadingX: Knowing - services, approach, modules, Xacademy and Xdigital. Being able to advise and to sell. Benefiting from the situation and trends, in further training. Setting your own position and goals.
7. Systemics: Knowing the basic principles and approaches, experiencing Solution Xperience (experience) and benefiting from it. Design group dynamics and team-development phases. Dealing confidently with challenging participants, mastering conflicts and difficult situations. Overview of models, concepts, approaches and their representatives.
8. Individual coaching and mental-coaching: Setting, approaches, knowing/understanding, utilising and practicing phases in coaching, experiencing methods and exploring further development-steps.
9. Make seminars and workshops mentally relatable: utilising conception, methods, didactic, dramatics, staging, experience, topics, process- and transfer-assurance, in a goal-oriented way. Practice implementation and put improvements into practice.
10. Evaluate and reflect on successes as well as failures, and initiate self-learning processes. Excelling in holding a masterpiece of a seminar.
The modules of the trainer-coach-speaker Xacademy
1. Core competencies and effectiveness as a trainer-coach
Roles: Trainer, Coach, Speaker, Moderator, OE.
Requirement-profile of core-competencies, position-determination: strengths - learning fields.
Learning psychology and competence-generator - how learning works and how innovation succeeds.
Appearing, presenting yourself, visualising effectively and convincingly, as a personality. Dealing with stage fright.
(Neuro-) didactic, methods, utilising media and tools. Communication, feedback, voice, body-language, storytelling, a hero's journey.
Dealing with specific participants
2. XNavi - 4D innovation- and implementation system
Four-dimensional, strategic and integral innovation- and implementation system.
Self-management, problem-solving and creative actions as a trainer, coach. Individual and collective creations.
Self-reflection and self-knowledge
Activation-exercises and experiments.
Resistance to change, change. innovation, creation, project-management, techniques for creativity, design-thinking, scrum etc.
3. Leading purpose - meaning, calling, vision, brand
Typology, personality-models, strengths, talents.
Your own mission, vision, vocation.
Inspiration and innovation
Positioning, personal branding, brand, orientation, goals
4. Self-management and agile leadership
Designing areas of life in balance, realising goals and gaining more time for the essential.
Becoming aware of resistance and patterns, developing and integrating clear solution-strategies.
Navigate confidently and safely towards your destinations. Realising personal creations and innovations.
Leading with agility, control, management: instructing-training-coaching and self-learning processes.
5. Marketing, acquisition, sales and customer loyalty
Brand, marketing, people-moving-model, acquisition and sales, as a trainer-speaker-coach.
Relationship management, CRM, customer-exploration, order clarification, strategic, target-oriented customer-solutions, services and system-sales, pricing, team-sales, networks, producing AVR.
Selling digitally: video, web, social media ...
6. Being an entrepreneur as a trainer-coach-speaker
Entrepreneurs, business, tax, legal, sales&profit planning and implementation, IT, software, equipment, CRM. EKS, focus-, brand - marketing, positioning, role.
LeadingX, approach, modules, Xacademy, Xdigital, evaluation transfer, blended learning, Apps, MOOCs, webinar and many more.
Situation and trends in further education. Position determination, goals, creations.
7. Systemics, group dynamics and learning- /development theories
Basic systemic principles, solution experience and useful formats, team- and group dynamics, team-development phases, shaping relationships. Building a rapport.
Dealing with challenging participants, mastering conflicts and difficult situations, and asserting oneself.
Overview of models, concepts, approaches, represented by: positive psychology, logo-therapy, Gestalt therapy, neuro-sciences, constructivism, integral, spiral dynamics, motivation, change and much more.
Accompanying organizational development, Xacademy and processes.
8. Coaching
Individual coaching, setting, approaches, relationship and rapport, phases in coaching, order clarification, goal clarification, idea development, decision-making, planning, implementation-practice transfer, evaluation.
Methods: solution-focus, questioning technique, provocative approach, SolutionXperience, tetralemma, etc.
Mental coaching - approaches and methods: relaxation, inner sources, dividing techniques, re-framing, voice dialogue, inner game, affirmations, meditation etc.
Experiencing and practicing demonstrations and examples.
9. Workshop-seminar-design and layout
Design seminars and workshops reasonable: conception, methods, didactic, dramatics, staging, experience.
Topics, process, transfer-security and methods, times, tips, activation and experiments.
Working out with accompaniment, implementing live sequences, tips-feedback, improvements.
Start a masterpiece for module 10.
10. Masterpiece and the one, that realises opportunities
Presenting, implementing and further optimising a masterpiece.
The one that realises opportunities: Evaluating successes, as well as failures, reflecting, learning. Initiating self-learning processes.
Organisational and investment
The XLabor, the XForum or Hotel Theresa in Tirol serve as the ideal setting for the trainer-coach Xacademy.
The start on the first day is always at 4 p.m. and ends on the third day at 5 p.m.
This is 26,5 hours per module (32 units of 50 minutes each). So a total of 265h (320 units).
The modules take place either in groups of 8-12 participants or in condensed form at XpertenMeetings and in individual coaching.
Coaching and supervision take place between the modules. In addition, targeted individual training is promoted based on your own brand, role, personal services and seminars. In addition, what has been learnt is deepened and integrated in PeerGroups.
The investment for the complete training is € 12,000 (30 days of € 400 each)
The complete training is free of charge for current and future LeadingX - Xperts (experts)!
Do you have the requirements for the unique and pioneering trainer-coach Xacademy?
- Are you at least 26 years old?
- Do you have professional training or an academic degree and at least 3 years of professional experience?
- Do you have the talent and is it your real vocation to accompany, train and coach people and organisations?
- Have you attended the LeadingX10 High Performance Leadership Xperience (experience) seminar, at least once?
- Would you like to become self-employed as a trainer, coach, moderator or speaker, and as a LeadingX cooperation partner (expert), live your vocation or professional calling, offer excellent customer benefits and thus, earn good money?
Start your fulfilling career as a trainer, coach or speaker and apply now
Should you have any further questions, simply call me or send me an email -
Markus Gruber +43 664 1 888 444