Acting agile
project-management in dynamic times
Initial situation of project-management
Analyses of success rates of project-management show a clear picture: two thirds of all projects fail completely, or only partially reach the desired goal. Classic project-management with a specification book, stage-gate-process and project-structure-plan fails miserably in a complex and fast-moving environment. It gets increasingly difficult for yourself and your employees, to stay highly motivated, to lead target-oriented and create a positive team-spirit.
Goals of 'acting agile'
New surroundings require also new competences from project-managers and project-employees, in regard of methods to use, as well as the so called 'soft skills'. That's what this training is focused on:
- entirely new and effective methods for successful project-work...
- the same time strengthening of social-competencies, of communication-ability and of action-orientation
The objective is, to get participants ready for 'agile-action' within projects.
- What basic mindsets or attitudes does 'agile-action' require?
- What agile methods and thought-patterns are available for working on projects, and how can you integrate these into an existing environment?
- Which new roles and responsibilities are needed in agile projects, and which human factors have enormous influence on the success of the project?

Energie, Motivation, Problemlösung, Innovation, Kreativität, IAK Seminar, Workshop
Contents of 'acting agile'
- Working in the world of VUCA: why it can't be done without 'acting agile'
- What basic-attitudes are required, to work with 'acting agile'?
- X-navigation as a thought-model for self-guided and successful acting
- Current methods: scrum, design thinking, kanban, speed-dating, planning poker, slice & to use them for your personal challenges/projects and how they work.
- The human side of the project's success- and the requirements for an agile organsation-culture.
- Self-organised teams and new managerial-understanding
LeadingX - seminars aren't power-point-marathons. Participants use the methods for their own personal projects and challenges, and therefore learn through acting not through thinking. The practical implementation of the contents happens already during the seminar, and the follow-up telephone-coaching, guaranties sustainable competence-expansion.

Your benefit from the seminar 'acting agile'
- You're able to practically and successfully use agile mindsets and methods.
- You can target-oriented combine classic project-management with agile methods
- With X-navigation the participants are always in control of the project-procedure: What phase is my projects going through right now? What are the next necessary steps? Which methods proved to be right for that and which competencies are really needed now.
- You can develop and lead, agile, self-organising teams.
- You understand the human side of resistance and are clearly able to handle it much better.
- With that you increase your personal project-managing competences, the success of the project and the success of the company itself, enormously.
Are you running a company?
Are you leading a team?
Do you manage employees?
Do you have communications with customers?
Do you run projects?
Do you lead your life with awareness?
Have a conversation with us!
... or secure your place in this seminar
and benefit from LeadingX > Xperience creates Xcellence (experience creates excellence)
Please check our available dates and make an appointment!!
Or contact us to arrange your individual in-house seminar or training-program of the Xacademy.