Case Study
Selling expensive products and exclusive services with enthusiasm
Offering 5 star service and achieving goals
Starting position
- Luxury 5 star hotels
- Many new employees, some from various countries, with different ‘mother-tongues’ and cultural background
- Expensive ‘labels’ and services are neither offered nor sold sufficiently
- Lacking ‘know-how’ in dealing with customers, who consider ‘Luxury’ as standard
- Turnover pressure
- Integrating new employees, team-building
- Dealing with customers on ‘high-class, luxury-level’
- Active selling of luxury products and services
- Generating higher and more profitable turnovers
- 5 star service – 3-days training
- People and their different needs
- Better cooperating, together
- Clarify matters – dissolve prejudices about the luxury level
- Learning to express yourself eloquently and improve your conversations skill
- Dealing with objections or misunderstandings
- Bringing about specific sales-results
- Selling expensive products and services with enthusiasm
- Flexibility in dealing with customers ‘wishes’
- Turnover-targets can now be achieved with a plan
- Being able to offer real 5 star service
“Before the training, I had doubts about a seminar lasting for several days, especially on the subject sales! But after the first hour, I already knew: all I want to do after this training is – to sell!”
“I never expected that sales could be so exiting and fulfilling!”
“Despite the different origins and cultures of employees, we’re now working as a real team. I’ve learned to readjust and realign my values and for that I’m very grateful.”