Case Study
People, who realise opportunities, solve challenges on their own initiative and innovatively.
Ausgangslage/Starting position
- successful production company for means of transport, with 700 employees and worldwide sales
- new management-team on the board
- due to global competition and products from “low-wage countries”, completely new challenges arise
- partly none or bad experiences with seminars and workshops/ resistance to the development program
Goals: a newly open mind
- Innovation on the levels of personality and awareness
- Communication and teamwork
- subject-related topics, sales and products,
- demanding and promoting, thereby further securing and expanding previous successes
- X10-leadership Xperience for all managers, at different hierarchy levels in open and internal seminars.
- Individual module workshops on the topics of sales, team, error-management and innovation.
- Experiencing how an error-friendly atmosphere arises within the company, and how it can be utilized.
- Building on the right attitude, structured and targeted exchange of experiences among the participants in terms of
- knowledge-management, best practice and learning experiences.
- Experiencing successful handling of challenges and change, and implementing innovation.
- Growing from someone, who thinks only of problems and avoids failure, to someone who realises and manifests opportunities and finds success.
- endless justifications and blaming for mistakes and failures, as well as with it associated wasted time, are eliminated
- completely new feedback-culture, error-management, product, production and sales
- finding new ways to more self-motivation, self-organisation and self-control
- self-directed learning and further development
- Building competence and more swift innovations in the areas of
- personality, team, communication
“Innovative problem-solving is a natural part of the work, which significantly increases the company’s effectiveness and its key-figures.”
“Profitable learning, for the individual and for the organisation.”
“Becoming faster and acting pro-actively through an open-minded approach, towards myself and others.”
“New motivation and fun at work – thank you very much!” MG